38. Nathan Chan, CEO of Foundr Magazine | The Age of Audio

Nathan Chan, CEO of Foundr Magazine joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Nathan Chan, CEO of Foundr Magazine joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.

Show Highlights:
  • So we've actually found something you might find interesting is some of our biggest students or biggest customers that enroll in our programs or, become super fans of what we do, a lot of them all listened to the podcast quite heavily, which I also find very interesting

  • We've got now over like almost 400 episodes, and some of these people we speak to don't give time to many people. Like their time is their greatest asset and we can get like half an hour, sometimes even 45 minutes on this person and, what they share their experiences, their lessons, like it's just gold man

  • Recently, we've been going really hard, like the past six months on Pre-production. Our interviews are getting better and better and better, and we're seeing better growth from the podcast, which is amazing

  • But one thing I can tell you is, I've definitely got better at asking better questions and it's definitely helped me find a way to tune my gut

  • I believe that my time could be better spent helping more people grow the brand, creating cool stuff, doing that versus creating content and being on the tools, it's actually one of the last things that I'm on the tools on.