20. Mark Asquith, Co-Founder of Captivate Audio Ltd | The Age of Audio

Mark Asquith, Co-Founder of Captivate Audio Ltd joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Mark Asquith, Co-Founder of Captivate Audio Ltd joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.

Show Highlights:
  •  It's rare that I don't know someone in podcasting. And I'm talking 2013, 2014 when the podcast movement was like 500 people or 200 people

  • I am not the talent in the team, these guys are the talent, the people that do the work every single day to build the things that I say, wouldn't it be cool.

  •  There's no bad podcast hosting platform out there. There isn't, a lot of other people will say, we're better than XYZ like. I don't say that, we're not better. We're just, we think differently to others. And it's about finding the fit.

  • I think intuition comes from two things. It comes from having produced that much of our own stuff, but also having the kind of balls in us to just say, screw that, let's just build this solution. Forget what everyone's saying. Let's just build it. 

  •  Unlike every other industry, podcasting believes it's open, thrives on control. So Spotify will make more money than anyone because they control their ecosystem.

  •  I think it's interesting because things like the ability to do sentiment analysis, internal analysis, and you start to look at the way that people interpret things.

  •  So increasingly that becomes less of a barrier to entry and therefore the kind of content people are producing even if you look in this mid-ground, like the Tik Tok of the world, it's sort of half content production, half communication.

  •  It is very unfair for trolls to exist and that you see every level of creation, from the indie creator, right up to star wars. And the sad fact is it's the platforms that get brought to trial for that because they've allowed it