18. Koos Tervooren, Owner of Microphone Media | The Age of Audio

Koos Tervooren, owner of Microphone Media joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Koos Tervooren, owner of Microphone Media joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Show Highlights:
  • I think there's a conflict because I think every journalistic piece that, uses storytelling has some imagination in it. And some interpretation of facts.

  • I think it's very important to keep telling news and journalistic things in a way of storytelling. I think that's very important because otherwise an audience is not going to listen to a story, not going to read a story, not going to watch a documentary.

  • Radio survived by its ability to create a community. And in podcasting, a lot of people are just saying, oh, this is what I want to talk about. And hopefully, I'll create a community by getting the guests to share with their people. Doesn't create communities. It doesn't stick, doesn't convert.

  • I think there are going to be more and more platforms facilitating ads for podcasters. So you'll see more ads, you see more sponsored deals in which companies buy yourself into podcasts. And you'll probably see more platforms facilitating all that.

  • I would advise anyone trying to sell their podcasts, not starting with selling with numbers because then it comes down to two clicks, pretty fast and then that often answers conversation. 

  • But I look at podcasts and think, hang on a second, companies are spending 150 billion a year on press releases and PR and communications and talking to journalists, these comms guys speaking to journalists. So I think a lot of people disagree with me because they only see advertising, but I see this huge piece, which is about communications and thought leadership.

  • I'm one of the few people in the world right now thinking that, because I see video more and more, we're also using it more and more, but I'm still not a big fan, but maybe that's also because I don't really understand video. I'm not really like an image guy.