29. Neil Cowling, Founder of Fresh Air Production | The Age of Audio

Neil Cowling, Founder of Fresh Air Production joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Neil Cowling, Founder of Fresh Air Production joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.

Show Highlights:
  • Normally it's not where they end up because our job is to try and persuade them to create something that doesn't just serve their purpose, but obviously serves the listener's purpose 

  • It doesn't really matter what you want to say to start with, we'll get to that. The point is who do you want to listen to and why do you want them to listen?

  • Lots of organizations, and as you say, it might be a software company, it might be a shipping company, whatever, lots of the stories that are fascinating to people don't exist at the top level. They exist on the shop floor. They exist in the port that you operate in or the place where your customers are. And so taking your head out of the sand and looking for where those stories are and how you can tell them is the conversation that you need to have around what would make a great story.

  • Good clients, the ones who stick with you are the ones who listen to that advice and then take it on

  • We use case studies and we use case studies a lot in our podcast, because again, that's how to get from dry corporate conversation into storytelling.