1. Alex Sanfilippo, SaaS Founder of PodMatch | The Age of Audio

Alex Sanfilippo, SaaS Founder of PodMatch joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.
Alex Sanfilippo, SaaS Founder of PodMatch joins Graham Brown in this episode of The Age of Audio. The Age of Audio is a series of conversations with thought leaders and changemakers in the world of audio. Podcasts, Radio, Social Audio and Data are converging to create engaging and authentic content for a new generation of listeners. To get access to all the audio conversations and book content for Age of Audio, go to theageofaudio.com.

Show Highlights:
  • The upper 70 percentile of people who listen to podcasts, listen to learn something new. So, they listen with a purpose. 

  • What I'm realizing about podcasts is I think it's quickly becoming the primary way that people are starting to learn new things and it's their choice, their content consumption of choice, which I think is a very interesting thing for us to be paying attention to.

  • People have been moving their internal conversation from HR departments onto internal company podcasts. So their employees can listen to it on a drive into work or when they wake up in the morning, quickly listening to a daily or weekly podcast for that company specifically. 

  • We've got to learn to be able to say, "Okay, how can I break down what I'm trying to say into something bite size that somebody can take something from this that I'm saying here and I can give the host a chance to ask me something else on the same topic or a clarifying question."

  • Everyone always talks about how podcasters, like mine included, our babies are our podcasts. Really, our baby is the audience. Actually referencing the audience. That's the real baby. That's like what we're trying to protect. My podcast is pointless if none of my listeners ever tune in again. That's what I really try to protect.

  • The best guest I find is the person that specifically really knows what you're looking for. So, getting very focused, getting very niche for a specific episode and finding that person that you just have great synergy with.

  • Don't pretend to be somebody you're not is what it comes down to and do your best to when you know your true self and you're really in tune with that, do your best to improve yourself and the way that you can actually speak.

  • I think that the future of guesting is like what we're doing here. We're not going to talk for two hours today. We're talking for half an hour or less. That's all that we're going to be doing here. And that's what people can actually consume because on one topic or if it's kind of multiple topics, that's all people can really hang on for.

  • I think that the future is getting shorter and turning into just better pointed questions that people can really learn something from.